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  • Kimberly Nguyen

What about the poet?

By Kimberly Nguyễn
Posted on July 1, 2024
A young girl with tan skin, brown hair, and a wine-red dress looks fondly at the painting she has created, which is hanging on a wall.
Illustration Title: What about the Poet
Illustration By: Jocelyn Vasquez Camey
Medium: Digital
Size: 4032 pixels x 3024pixels
Year: 2024

Always the poet, never the poem

Always the writer, never the novel

Always the ghostwriter, never the song 

Always the scientist, never the comet

Never, never, never.

Always the dreamer, never the dream 

Always the weed, never the dandelion  

Always the sales person, never the product

Always the thinker, never the thought

Never, never, never.

Always the sculpture, never the muse

Always the painter, never the painting

Always him, never her

Always the lover, never the loved 

Never, never, never.

Who will remind me of my beauty, when it is only yours that’s shown? 

Who will write my story, once my pen dries out and my mind is lone?

Who will remember me, if all that’s left is you?

No one.

Who will see you, if not us? 

No one.


This poem is about always being the one who loves more than the other. The artist who turns the other person into art, but never the one admired as such. If it was not for these lovers of art, we would not be able to be defined by words, colors, dance, etc. It would just roam among us and be left unseen, just like the poet. One example of this is when a person doesn’t know a poem or song until they’re reminded of the words or what it’s about. 


[Writing Editor's Note]

It is easy to love, but often we focus on being loved (or the lack of it). I hope this piece inspires readers to share their love to others, so they more feel like "the poem" than "the poet."

[Writing Editor: Reese W.]

[The End]

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