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Glass Bead

By Kathy
Posted on August 1, 2024
A collage of multiple pattern-print papers. A mostly pink dollhouse houses several glass bead animals and plants.
Illustration title: Glass Dollhouse
Illustration by: Sarah Gagnon
Medium: Digital image collage
Size: 1640 pixels x 2000 pixels
Year: 2024

Glass Bead 


Made of glass, 

Am delicate yet strong, 

Transparent yet opaque, 

Feather light yet glass heavy.


Will break under a feather touch,

Soft, mellow, kind phrases, 

Or sharp, harsh words.


become strong under the fire’s hottest, 

Under the weight of the world, 

Within the lies and truths that I’m told.


Bare my glass feelings for all to see,

And let them lay and crush me more, 



Hold my secrets close and dear,

Underneath my iridescence,

And it clouds over me. 


Will touch you with my feather light touches, 

Hold you with hands that don’t dare

Try to break you.

Hold you like the world would end 

Once you shatter.


Will tell you with all my might, 

How much I love you,

That you mean everything to me,

And even if the world crashes and falls like me,

You are my everything.


Will break, yet I shall withstand, 

Will show you me, yet shroud myself in mystery, 

Will make the world with cotton candy, yet build it On cement. 


Made of glass, 

Will not shatter easily, 

Even if you try to break me.


Inspired by a song named Glassbead, this poem shows that despite looking fragile, there is a strength in love, and a strength in the narrator that is undermined. Within the facade of being weak, the narrator finds strength in living the person they love, and will do anything to keep them safe. This was inspired by the message of the song I mentioned above, and that live be seen as a weakness, but as a power one could have. 

[Writing Editor: Anonymous]

[The End]

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