By Kimberly Nguyen
Posted on August 1, 2023

Cover Image Title: Double Happiness
Cover Image by: Christina Li
Classification: Photography
Specifications: Resized from 4031 x 3024
Year: 2023
I wonder
What if I
What if you
What if we
What if
I sang another lyric
You have another dream
We lock eyes on Eddy
What if
I tapped on your shoulder
You said my name the way only you do
We lock eyes on Hyde
One thousand moments with you
You were always the exception
You cried with strength
You play with passion
You are the bold yet gentle voice of pink
You know me like a second language
I know you like second nature
The white of our personalities is our strength
Blinded by one another
I will not dim my light for you
Nor do I expect you to
We want it like an old habit
In another life..
Wait for me on Geary, friend..
Losing people on our walk through life is a universal experience as well is the lingering of their loss. This poem is about preserving valuable memories. The two characters in this poem are both incompatible for each other and are better off living separate lives. They both once were linked by the hip, creating memories, building a connection that ignited just by locking eyes. However, since the relationship was established at such a young age, they were still growing into themselves. They were no longer compatible. What once looked like a beautiful yellow garden, now was just a field of weeds. This poem challenges the audience to view memories with friends we have fallen out with as good while it lasted. It is okay that we have moved on, those memories are not spoiled or rotten from lack of care. It is okay that they stay where they are. We do not need to go backwards and sacrifice who we can become to return to these memories.
[ * The End * ]
[Writing Editor: J.Y.]